simple, sustainable solutions so your business can flow

I know you know the difference.

When you’re doing the work you’re meant to do. When your energy is flowing and everything else melts away. It’s not so much that it’s easy - but there’s a sense of ease, some excitement, that magical flow state.

And then there are the dozens of other things that creep up on you each day. As a small business owner, wearing all the hats is part of the deal. But at a certain point, we end up wearing and juggling hats that do not fit us - and many we didn’t consciously take on.

so how do you make space for the flow without dropping the ball on everything else?

big picture strategy


low-maintenance systems




value driven solutions in service of your vision

Without a clear roadmap + foundational systems that support it, your day-to-day gets swallowed up by a backlog of emails and never-ending to-do list. You only come up for air long enough to realize you need to make changes. But you don’t know how you’ll ever find the time.

here’s the thing about carving your own path:

the journey is lonely

So often in the business world, brilliant and gifted humans fall through the cracks of success. Not because they’re not good at what they do - because running a business with intention is really hard to do on your own, especially without experience in operational management.

how I can help

custom logo & brand identity

uncover & refine your unique offering

automating & optimizing your client experience

strategic website planning & design

simplify & streamline your business operations

conscious, intentional business strategy



I spent nearly a decade working in process improvement, systems solutions, and digital product management for a software development organization in the financial services industry. I left that career path to follow my pull towards conscious collective work - birth & parenting support as a doula, breathwork and other somatic healing modalities, and end of life planning & care.

The more time spent in community with passionate entrepreneurs, the more valuable my corporate experience and innate passion for efficiency and simplifying complex problems became. As a person with inconsistent energy and a squiggly but powerful brain, my gift is quickly digesting lots of information and seeing a path through that requires the least amount of ongoing, repetitive upkeep. I love low maintenance, high efficiency systems that free people up to spend more time in their flow state while running a business that serves both them and their ideal clients.

Supporting healers, artists, therapists, birthworkers, creatives, and intentional practitioners so that they can spend their precious time and energy on work that feels good - not aimlessly running a business.